Re-vegetate 2.0

As announced in a previous post, the idea here is to recycle old TV cases to create a soilless agriculture in Agbogbloshie.

Here are the different steps to create a Re-vegetating TV.



Put sand and soil in a TV case so it allows plants to grow in a “healthy middle”.






The idea here is to protect plants from acid rain and to create a water reserve.

We use for that corrugated iron (easily findable on site) to separate two different areas. Water so will be filtered.


TV avec poche eau




To complete the TV case, we add it a water pump made with iron tubes.

Easy to make, it will allow farmers to pump “healthy” rain water to water plants. According to seasons, that TV case will be self-sufficient to grow plants.



TV avec pompe




Here is a “blueprint” of how to use the water pump.


schéma pompe

Re-vegetate Agbogbloshie




Vegetation in Agbogbloshie is a real problem because of earth pollution.

We can see that it lost around 90% of its surface in a decade.

So what can we do to re-vegetate Agbogbloshie and allow healthy agriculture?

We propose here to recycle dumped TV and computer cases in soilless agriculture furnitures.


TV Schema                           Soilless Agriculture